As a native of Arkansas, and with the rich history my state contains, I feel a special closeness to the concept of Patriotism as it relates to our country. It is through lessons of history both from our ancestors and the founding fathers of our nation we are so endowed with opportunity to study and visit sights and locations where history developed and was made in this land. It is from this I have chosen to capture selected scenes of art through “Lines in Time”.
My path to art has not been one of traditional standards. I sketched occasionally as a teenager, took art classes in college, and encouraged school children to pursue and develop their artistic drawing and painting skills. As I remember, I gave my art work away but never sold a piece of it until a few short years ago.
As I approached retirement, my younger brother appointed me to a committee in my local hometown. I was to design some sesquicentennial (150 years) materials for its celebration. There was an outpouring of requests for copies of the drawings I made. Thus was the beginning of my love for pen and ink drawings depicting people, places and events of the past.
Enjoy the “galleries” as they are arranged. Stop by the shop and select some of my work. I would be honored for my drawings to be at your place.
Sam Massey
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